Thursday 13 August 2009

Disturbing Stuff.

Okay, I just need to give you a little list of things that disturb me, some are serious, some I just need to write!

1. Child Beauty Pageants.
Gross, right? I don't know who I'm more disturbed by, the parents who think that this is acceptable, or the people who judge them?

2. The shop clerk in this week's Giuliana & Bill
Who said to Giuliana that she wanted to have kids before she was 30, so she wasn't an "older mom" like, well, Giuliana. Giuliana is 33.

3. I think I like Angelina Jolie.

Okay, so I've always said that Angelina is a very talented actress, but I don't like her. Recently, I feel like, my mind may be changing. I still think that her weird, controversial lifestyle is kind of fake, and attention grabbing, and I still think she's not as attractive as everyone says. But, I'm going to admit it right now, she's growing on me.

4. I would rather work for E! than CNN.

As much as the world's celebrity obsession disturbs me, celebrity obsession is what I'm good at. I've always wanted to be a journalist, but I know that I'd be the most depressed person on the planet if I was a 'serious' journalist. So yes, I'd rather be Catt Sadler than Rachel Maddow.

5. Kourtney Kardashian is 30?
Okay, it didn't disturb me, but it surprised me. I always thought Kim was the oldest! Eek! I realise you probably just lost respect for me, because I actually care about the Kardashian's but, you know what, I love that show! And I'm overly excited for her and Khloe's new show!

Okay, I can't think of anymore. But, I'll keep you posted.

Thursday 6 August 2009

An Introduction

Well hello there :]

Well, I write two other blogs on this thing. One is full of general nonsensical musings, and the other is a weekly (or at least that's the plan) review, of whatever I think is interesting.

This one, however, is going to actually be about my life. I'm just going to write about things that happen, and see how it goes from there.

Hopefully, somebody beside me will care.

That's it until I post really, so... thanks for reading? If you even did.